Wednesday, April 21, 2010

One more IPA...

Hey all,

The Bigfoot kicked last night and changed over to Stone IPA. So we do have a few IPA's on right now. Ebeneezer's just started their Hop Fest on 4/20 so why not have a few IPA's here at P-brew for you to try. The Stone IPA is a relatively well balanced IPA for a west coast brewery. It still has that huge citrus flavor but almost has enough malt to balance it out.

The cask changed as well to the Le Chat Noir w/ Grand Marnier Oak. I was looking forward to this cask making on line, and it doesn't disappoint. It has a nice oak flavor as well as a almost orange peel flavor that blends so nicely with the roasty/chocolate flavors of the Le Chat Noir. Enjoy it while it lasts.



  1. Now you're talking! Ruination would have been awesome to compare imperial IPAs, but regular Stone will do until the 5 C's is ready.

  2. I was blown away by the FOUR, yes FOUR IPAs on tap tonight! Thanks to whoever which one or all of you decided to make a BLACK IPA!! It was terrific!

  3. I came by Saturday night and was sadly disappointed to find out that the Black IPA had already kicked. Sounds like it must have been a hit so hopefully you guys brew it up a larger batch soon.


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