Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kate Day 2011 Announcement

Howdy all,

Even before the dust settled on this year's Kate Day, we started getting inquiries from folks who wanted to know when next year's Kate Day is scheduled to take place. Here, finally, is the date we've selected for the release of Kate the Great Russian Imperial Stout:

Monday, March 7, 2011.

There will be some significant changes to the way we manage the sale of bottled Kate, and we'll release details about that in a few weeks. Stay tuned!




  1. People are still gonna whine about not getting any, no matter what the changes are. Just sayin...

  2. Draft Only, Draft Only, Draft Only!

  3. A lottery system where you know if you can get some before you even go. I think I'm going to take the day off this year and try to make it. I would suggest a better control of the D-Bags who line jump or try to sneak through the gift shop.

    Anyone know if the Sheraton is sold out yet? ;)

  4. I will be there March 6th at 9pm...

  5. I took the day off last year. 5am was too late... 2pm was fine though. Walked right in, and had a great lunch and 2 Kates. I feel I "owe" a bottle to the man who started me brewing 5 years ago, so I will try again this year.


  6. After people purchase there bottles of KtG, send them out the back door forcing them to the end of the line for those that are waiting for KtG on tap. This well help curb the D-bag line jumpers. Also a rope could help and you should have Portsmouth employees making sure people do not line jump. Also give people waiting in line a number, everybody that walks thru the door for Kate on tap must have a number or they will not be able to enter for KtG on tap. Have the numbers pre-printed because you know people will try and forge them.

    Also, so people are not lining up at 1 a.m., tell us when calendar pages are going to be handed out. In March of 2009 you started handing out calendar pages at around 7 a.m., in 2010 you started handing out pages at around 3:30 a.m. because you felt bad for people standing out in the cold. Handing them out early in 2010 had allot of people thinking they had enough time to get a calendar page at around 7 a.m. based on when you started handing them out in 2009.

    In 2010 I heard that calendar pages are be given out, this was at 4:40 a.m., so I rushed down to the brewery and got there at 5:10 a.m. and got April. I just made it. I let my friends know to go grab them and when they got there at 5:30 a.m., all calendar pages had been given out.

    So I think a set time when calendar pages are to be given out would help.

  7. I'm pretty excited to go to this for the first time. I'd agree with sending the people that get bottles to the end of the line for the pub. Everyone should have a fair chance to sample a bit of kate, I know I would.

    I'm interested to see how this will be done, if people know the time, guaranteed that there will be droves showing up then and people waiting in line early. I don't think there is a way around that.

    Either way...I'm looking forward to March 7

  8. Draft only has my vote.

  9. Is the draft beer gone the first day also or does it last a 2nd day?


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