Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Out of Deep condition

Hey all,

We have to say good bye to the ALTenator. But we kept the tap flowing with our Scotch ale. It is malty full bodied with a hint of smoke in the background, truly a fall beer. The moat mountain is all most gone, I am saying a some point today or possibly tomorrow the winter Rye will hit the taps with fanfare. Keep an eye out for this one.



  1. Hey gang,

    Looking forward to trying the Scotch... one of my fave styles...

    Say, any idea what might be upcoming on-tap for the last weekend of this month? I'll be stopping in, most likely the 29th and 30th, to celebrate a not-so-insignificant BDay...


  2. So Tyler, who is actually giving the tours? I've been going to the brewery pretty regularly for nearly a year and have never had a proper tour. I have some friends in from NY this weekend, so I was thinking of stopping in on Saturday for beers anyway.

  3. Well the brewers are the ones who give the tours. This Sat Tod will be working and will be here for the tour guidance. If there is quite a few of you I would just give a quick call in and let us know how many you are brining for a tour and if you are comming at 1 or 3.



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